• Teaching and learning in the other curricular areas (including creativity and innovation in teaching, learning and assessment)
  • The teaching of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Courses in STEM should reflect the updated Mathematics Primary School Curriculum (2023).

FSC2467 Teaching Music: An Introduction to Ukulele in the Classroom

This course is tailored to inspire and equip educators with the knowledge and skills needed to introduce the enchanting sounds of the ukulele into their classrooms. 

FSC2460 Gamification for EAL - Classroom Games for Teaching English as an Additional Language

The overall aim of this course is to equip primary school teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge to use classroom games to teach English as an Additional Language (EAL)

FSC2453 Using Drama for Teaching and Learning

This course will give teachers the tools to use drama confidently in the primary school classroom.

FSC2448 Athletic Development of Young People & Practical PE Ideas for Teachers

An Overview of Athletic Development of Young people with a detailed rationale for the use of Curriculum Strands to aid athletic development in the school setting. A range of ideas and resources for teaching PE throughout the various curriculum strands to better support their students’ Athletic Development and long term participation in physical activity.

FSC2447 Mathematics in the Primary Classroom: Fundamentals and Resources

Gain a better understanding of mathematical learning in the context of the new mathematics curriculum while building a bank of resources for everyday use in the primary classroom. 

FSC2429 Ireland through the Ages - Resources and ideas for teaching History & SESE

Ireland through the Ages is a tour of Irish history featuring stories from the first inhabitants of the early Stone Age, through to the Celtic era and the arrival of St. Patrick, onto the Vikings, the Normans, the famine and into modern times. Learners will receive a broad recap of our nation’s history and learn how each era influenced those that came afterwards.

FSC2425 Effective Literacy Assessment in the Primary Classroom

This course will focus on effective literacy assessment. The continuum of assessment will be examined in detail and the course will outline how to use various assessment methods from the continuum in literacy. Various assessment methods will be explored and guidance of how to use these when teaching reading, writing and oral language.